Growing Disciples


When St. Anthony was named a Doctor of the Church (one whose written words and life left a highly influential, and yet unique example of discipleship for us to learn from), he was given the title, “The Evangelic Doctor.” His writings put forth a freshness of the unfading beauty of the Gospel that still, today, brings a certain newness for our perspective of God’s word.

Prayer is the essence of Anthony’s engagement with Sacred Scripture, and he describes prayer as a relationship of love which drives us to converse sweetly with the Lord that leads to deep inner peace, and an indescribable joy.


Poco a Poco

The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal gather and discuss insights for the spiritual life with tremendous clarity and depth, and they do so with humility and joy. From their conversations you will certainly learn and be able to apply their wisdom–and see it bear fruit in your prayer!

Father Brendan loves this show!

Fr. Mike Schmitz

Each week Fr. Mike teaches on some area of the faith: creed, sacraments, moral life, prayer, contemporary life and culture, and more! A very engaging teacher and spiritual father, Fr. Mike offers a wealth of resources to the Church and beyond in our digital evangelization age.

Real y Verdadero

Jesús sacrificó su vida por nosotros — y la Eucaristía es como recibimos ese regalo. A través de la Eucaristía, participamos en la Última Cena, el sacrificio de Jesús en la Cruz, y la Resurrección. Este gran misterio está en el centro de nuestra fe; y es un misterio que puede cambiar nuestras vidas.

Podcast-Real + Verdadero

Cuando te desvías del camino (cosa que a todos nos pasa), ¿cómo le haces para regresar? Dios es el único que realmente puede perdonarnos y restaurarnos. Y Dios le ha dado esta autoridad a la Iglesia para ayudarnos en nuestro camino hacia el cielo. El podcast de Real+Verdadero es un espacio en el que entramos a detalle en los videos de cada unidad, profundizamos en el contenido con comentarios y recomendaciones, y compartimos un poco del detrás de cámaras del trabajo de nuestra misión.

st anthony of padua outreach 9

Join our next ongoing formation opportunity for disciples hungry for the faith!


Sundays after 9am Mass

Wild Goose (Holy Spirit Series)


Saturdays 1pm

(After 12pm Holy Hour)
Holy Hour Wild Goose (Spanish)



cross bw

Pope Benedict XVI notes that St. Anthony reminds us that prayer needs an atmosphere of silence—which is not the same as withdrawal from external noise—but is an interior experience, which seeks to remove the distractions caused by the soul’s preoccupations.

St. Anthony: Prayer is made up of four indispensable attitudes which, in Anthony’s Latin, are described as: obsecratio, oratio, postulatio, gratiarum actio.

We could translate them:

  1. Open your heart confidently to God
  2. Speak affectionately with Him
  3. Present your needs to Him, and
  4. Praise and thank Him

Join us as we pray and journey together while discovering the perpetual newness of the Gospel.